IPG Media Lab

Instagram Video: Is It Better For Brands?

The answer, at least at first, seems to be yes. Although Vine is currently more popular than Instagram for media sharing on Twitter, Instagram is quickly making up for lost time. Over 5 million videos were uploaded onto the social network within 24 hours of its release, in addition to the one billion Likes logged per day, and its total user base of over 130 million. What’s more, 67% of brands are already familiar with the platform for marketing purposes, and the extra 9 seconds of video is crucial for advertisers looking to make a pitch. The fact that Instagram is already used widely by social media marketers means that it’s easier for their brands to jump into the video game very quickly. And according to Mashable, videos shared on Instagram have twice as much engagement as photos – and significantly higher engagement than videos on Vine. Ultimately, this means that it’s easier for brands to transition to video production on an app they’re already familiar with, and by breaking down the time limit and adding professional editing features, Instagram video provides a much friendlier, broader marketing platform – with all of Facebook’s users to boot. 

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