IPG Media Lab

CES 2015: Strap On A Wearable And Join The Party

Although officially it’s only the second day of CES 2015, numerous new wearable devices have already been unveiled, packed with various new tricks, eagerly waiting to be worn. Here’s our top five pick on wearables so far:

  1. Russian company Healbe claims that its GoBe wristband (upper right corner) can track the calories you’re consuming each day, simply by resting on your skin and monitoring the sugar level of your cells.
  2. Gymwatch introduces a synonymous fitness wearable (lower right corner) that’s designed to track not only how many exercises you’ve done, but also if you’ve done any of them properly.  It can measure the workout performance of more than 900 exercises, so no slacking off here.
  3. Misfit debuts the elegantly designed new “Swarovski Shine” wearables collection (upper middle) featuring crystal jewelry, while also adding solar charging to prop up the blings, making it the first among known fitness trackers to do so.
  4. Chinese manufacturer Lenovo finally enters the smart fitness band market with its water-resistant Vibe Band VB10 (lower left and middle). Featuring a retro e-ink display, it boasts a long battery life and a low price tag— starting at only $89.
  5. The Ring is a futuristic Bluetooth-enabled gesture control wearable. It works with works via an app, which assigns simple finger gestures to perform tasks on your smartphone. An upcoming hub will also reportedly control connected home appliances.

Bonus and potential TechWreck: Belty, the smart belt that measures your waistline and alerts you when you are getting fat.

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