IPG Media Lab

Google Takes On Amazon Echo With Smart Router OnHub

What Happened
Earlier today, Google unveiled OnHub, a $200 Wi-Fi router that doubles as a smart home hub, Besides the standard wireless transmission protocols, OnHub also supports several smart home protocols, including Weave, Thread, as well as IEEE 802.15.4, the basis for Zigbee.

What Brands Should Do
While OnHub may seem like just a fancy router at first, it is without a doubt Google’s answer to the new wave of “communication hub” devices such as Amazon Echo and, reportedly, Apple TV. As more and more devices and appliances become connected, the need for a central control hub grow accordingly, which may provide brands with a new touch point to reach their audience and facilitate convenient interactions powered by voice command. Look for Google to go beyond the IoT protocols to make it easy to integrate your smart home devices and services soon.


Source: Ars Technica

Image courtesy of Google.com/hub

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