IPG Media Lab

Alexa Can Now Answer Your Medical Inquiries

What Happened
Another week, another new skill for Alexa. Amazon’s voice assistant continues to grow its capabilities as KidsMD, an Alexa skill developed by Boston Children’s Hospital, officially launched last week. It allows users to ask Alexa-enabled Amazon devices for information about their sick children’s symptoms and receive health advice. Users can also ask Alexa for age and weight-specific dosing guidelines for various medications for kids.

What Brands Need To Do
This new skill marks one of Alexa’s first entries (besides My Dermatologist) into the healthcare domain, and it should come in handy when parents are too busy taking care of their sick kids to manually Google for information. As conversational interfaces led by the likes of Alexa and chat bots continue to gain momentum and evolve in their capabilities, it is important for brands of all industries to explore possible integrations into those advanced platforms.

For more information on how brands can develop authentic brand voices and navigate the new rules of discovery, check out the Conversational Interfaces section in our Outlook 2016.


Source: Engadget

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