IPG Media Lab

Trying to make a tweet

While the “what do I need Twitter for?” refrain is still being sung from coast to coast, and as the micro-blogging service still struggles to find its business model, others are quietly finding ways to capitalize on the enormous success of Twitter in the marketing realm. Hats off to Microsoft, McCann Worldgroup and Federated Media (the Lab is a fan of all y’all) who announced a new partnership called “ExecTweets.”

Mark Ruxin, Chief Innovation Officer at MWG says the collaboration “is an effort to create a destination publishing platform for Microsoft targeted at Business Decision Makers looking to glean real-time business insights from leading Fortune 500 executive level Tweeters, and prominent technology executives.” Not to mention building loyalty with a brand in an intimate, addictive environment. (Turns out Jennifer Aniston broke up with John Mayer after discovering his loyalties to Twitter were stronger than the bonds of love between them, so watch out!)

Meanwhile, Twitter appears not to be sure what hit them,
posting this statement on their blog: “…Our focused commitment to Twitter itself means we don’t have much time or resources to build these interesting topical experiences. It turns out the folks over at Federated Media have both the resources and the expertise. So if you’re a major brand and you want to sponsor a topic-focused social media experience with Twitter, we suggest Federated Media—they’ll fix you up right.”

Maybe Twitter should hire Federated Media and McCann Worldgroup to help Twitter figure it out? 😉 Just sayin’.

Here’s a sample of some of the ExecTweets chirping out from the new site:

“Twitter is changing the way I think about data aggregation and crowdsourcing; short simple requests to millions can be very powerful”

“Contemplating: is the (often thought to be feminine) trait of being a “pleaser” a strength in business or a detriment? Or both?”

“Anybody who doesn’t see servicing small business as a huge opportunity is very short-sighted. We *love* our small business customers.”

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