IPG Media Lab

Tostitos’ Sensor-Laden Bag Can Tell If You’ve Been Drinking And Call You An Uber

What Happened
Tostitos, a Fritto-Lay brand, is created an interesting take on CPG packaging with a limited-edition “Party Safe” bag that comes with a sensor to detect mall traces of alcohol on a person’s breath. Created by Goodby Silverstein & Partners, this special Tostitos bag will display a red steering wheel, along with an Uber code. Equipped with near-field communication (NFC) technology, the bag also let customers tap the bag with their phone to request an Uber ride. If they do so during and after the Super Bowl game, they will also receive $10 off courtesy of Tostitos and Mothers Against Drunk Driving.

What Brands Need To Do
This is an interesting example in how CPG brands can experiment with packaging to deliver added value to customers. In a similar vein, last year we worked with Hershey’s and created a “Remixer” package for its TAKE5 snack bar. Powered by the haptics technology from Novalia, the package lets customers play DJ and create their own unique tracks with no app required.

If you want to learn more about how you can leverage new technologies such as biosensors, AR, and haptics to transform your product packaging into an informative or interactive customer experience, please reach out to our Client Services Director Samantha Holland (samantha@ipglab.com).


Source: AdWeek

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