IPG Media Lab

Flipkart Turns Sales Event Into A Facebook Scavenger Hunt With 360-Degree Video

What Happened
Flipkart, the leading ecommerce site in India, found an interesting way to use 360-degree video on Facebook to promote its annual flagship sales event. The company posted a four-minute-long, 360-degree video on its Facebook Page on Wednesday morning, which shows its employees taking a tour around its office. Viewers are encouraged to look around for clues to unlock various deals and offers hidden in each room of the office. Those that share their screenshots in the Facebook video’s comments section will have a chance to win up to 15 digital coupons.

What Brands Should Do
Flipkart’s use of 360-degree video on Facebook shows ingenuity in the way it fully engages with viewers and rewards their engagement with discounts and offers. More brands looking into producing 360-degree videos should take advantage of its innate interactivity to craft a fun brand experience.


Source: Digiday

Header image courtesy of Flipkart’s Facebook Video

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