What Happened
Twitter is encouraging users to check out aggregated tweets from specific locations and venues by adding Foursquare-powered location tags to tweets in the main timeline and on profiles. Previously, Twitter’s location tags only narrowed down to the neighborhood level and were tucked away with the finer details under the body of tweets, which means users had to expand a tweet and then click on the location tag in order to see the location feeds.
What Brands Need To Do
Now that users are clued in by the conspicuous location tags included at the end of tweets, they will be more likely to explore Twitter in a location-based manner. Although Twitter hasn’t officially announced their plans for monetizing location feeds yet, it is clear to see that this new addition could bring new targeting opportunities for brand advertisers by allowing them to surface their promoted tweets in the appropriate location feeds to reach their desired audiences. The more granular location tags also generate more data to help businesses and event organizers better understand their audiences on Twitter and improve its interest-based, hyperlocal targeting.
Source: TechCrunch