Amazon’s Friends and Family Gifting feature gets more social today with the launch of a tool that allows users to create and send group gift cards to your Facebook friends for their birthdays. By connecting Facebook and Amazon accounts, it’s easy to prepare birthday gift cards in advance, and participants can contribute as little as $1 or as much as $25 of yet. The gift card is delivered to the recipient’s Facebook wall on their birthday. It’s a new, foolproof way to ensure that you never miss a friend’s birthday again.
Tag: gifts
3D Printing For Valentines Day?
Looking for a last minute tech minded valentine’s day gift? By the looks of the crowd at the 3D Printing pop up shop down the block, the store is making a killing today in their adult section which has already gotten significant press in recent months. Just head into the booth and 3D scan anything your significant other might want to have memorialized in plastic form. Conversely, if you’re looking to have your significant other to break up with you this could also be the perfect gift.
Facebook Gift Store Urges Users to Shop While They Share –
With a Billion Birthdays on File, Facebook Adds a Gift Store