JCDecaux’s recent stunt was a pretty clever way of getting advertisers attention. They went on Google Street view to find which advertisers OOH placements had been documented on the service, sending them an invoice for the digital impressions. This was a stunt to get advertisers to listen to their sales pitch, but it raises an interesting point about the future of earned media. As we increasingly document the world around us, every OOH placement has legs far beyond those physical impressions. Google Street view is just one example but advertisers need to factor in all the earned media. As geotagging and image identification get more precise, expect this to be part of the standardized reporting.
Tag: JCDecaux
Out of home and on the move
Transit venues are a great place to reach consumers on the go. They are also one of the first DOOH areas our agencies have expressed interest in exploring.
Marketers are familiar with the successful campaigns associated with targeting traditional commuter audiences and see digital as a way to pump it up-a-notch, making their message more dynamic and exciting. Each venue is unique in audience and scope and offers its own targeting advantages. Here are a few of the most interesting opportunities for DOOH in transit venues (after the jump): Continue reading “Out of home and on the move”