MediaBrix Updates Mobile Ad Platform For Better Timing

What Happened
MediaBrix, a New York-based ad tech startup that specializes in connecting with gamers at key moments of gameplay, debuted the third version of its Breakthrough Moments mobile ad platform, which combines biometric data, consumer interests and other behavior data to determine the right moments for delivering mobile ads. A handful of big-name brands including Coca-Cola, BMW, Nestlé, and CoverGirl, are already using the system, which MediaBrix says will become programmatic within a few months.

What Brands Should Do
For brands looking to send out personalized offers with real-time value, choosing the right ad platform would be imperative to the goal. “The future of mobile advertising needs to focus on user receptivity,” Ari Brandt, CEO & co-founder of MediaBrix says. “In order for users to be receptive to brand messages on mobile devices, the brands must identify and understand the important moments during the user journey, then contextualize and be additive to the moment.”

With the increasing usage of mobile apps, as well as the rising popularity of ad-blockers and their potential influence on mobile, it is becoming crucial for brands that wish to reach potential consumers to step up their mobile ad game. Leveraging the updated ad platform by MediaBrix to capture the attention of audiences at the most effective moments would be a good way to do so.


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Best Of The Lab 2014: Seize The Moments That Matter

 Here at the Lab, we are always looking for emerging technologies that capture the attention of audiences at the most effective moments. Kicking off 2014, we experimented with incorporating micro-games at point-of-sale using Vengo’s vendor machines, which produced some quite promising findings.

Fast forward to June, we teamed up with Kiip and conducted a mobile engagement study that reveals that moments-based advertising increases purchase intent. We then joined forces with YuMe to explore measures of receptivity and attentiveness, with the findings neatly presented in a short video.

IPG Lab + Kiip Release Moments That Matter Study

Experimental Ad Product: Sponsored Micro-games At Point-Of-Sale

Bonus Video: IPG Media Lab And YuMe Present: Pursuit of Audience Attention