Playstation 3 bulks up for marketers

SonyPlaystation2Sony’s Playstation 3 may be forging a new direction for their console—one which could provide a potentially attractive platform for marketers.

The Playstation 3 had a rough start in the ongoing console war with Nintendo Wii and the Xbox 360, which has forced Sony to re-evaluate and modify their strategy for the console. Howard Stringer, Chairman of Sony Corp. announced at the annual shareholder meeting in June that restoring profitability to the television and games divisions is the company’s top priority.

Three recent, bold moves by the company show the Sony Chairman is serious about turning things around for the Playstation 3:

-In-game advertiser IGA Worldwide recently announced a deal with Sony to provide in-game advertising for the Playstation 3, which breaks the exclusive hold Microsoft’s Massive Inc. has had on console-placed dynamic ads. Continue reading “Playstation 3 bulks up for marketers”