YouTube Capture App

YouTube is getting into the micro video sharing business with the launch of its Capture app for iPhone and iPad. Just hit the record button, write a caption and share the clip directly on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter simultaneously. YouTube’s entry into the space could be bad news for companies like Tout that are just starting to get traction with a similar product.

YouTube Comes To Roku, Sort Of

Roku, one of the largest connected TV platforms, can now play YouTube videos via second screen app Twonky. With airplay-like functionality, Twonky beams YouTube videos and other media in a very simple UI. While Google still does not provide a YouTube app on the platform, Twonky is a step in that direction.

Hasbro Promotes Furby With Record Setter World Record Campaign

The Lab connected Hasbro and Initiative with Record Setter for a campaign that launches this week to promote the new Furby.  Some of YouTube’s biggest stars are posting world records with Furby that are at times ridiculous but always awesome.  Our favorite is the record for “Most Furbys Driven In A Car” which features Dave Days cheuffering 132 animated robotic toys.  The clip has over 75,000 views on YouTube in just two days.