Virtual Mob Launches PAM, a “WordPress for AR”

With the rise of Google Glass, it’s looking like augmented reality may gain renewed focus from many brands in coming months.  UK startup VirtualMob has geared up to help ease that process by launching what’s being called a “WordPress for AR.”  Their Point-at-Me (PAM) app allows the creation of AR experiences without the need to code, which can then be accessed via VirtualMob’s PAM app, or through a brand’s own app.  Several big players are already giving the service a try, including Time Inc, Cartier, and Hyundai.  The effectiveness of this form of simple development is yet to be seen, but for brands looking for a first step into the AR sphere, PAM could be a great place to start.

Leap Motion Controller is Becoming a Virtual Steering Wheel

Hold your arm out in front of you. Why isn’t your computer reacting? Toronto-based design firm Teehan+Lax is seeking to fix that unresponsive box of disappointment on your desk by attaching the oft-discussed Leap Motion controller, and giving users a unique way of cruising Google Street view.  The potential of the motion controller is great.  Users have the opportunity to virtually “drive” legendary stretches of road worldwide, or gesturally control a myriad of applications, truly bringing their computers into the future with the sort of functionality many of us expected to have by now.

The Oculus Rift: Kickstarter Rears Its Head At CES

The Oculus Rift brings everything you would expect to see at CES. Its Virtual Reality experience is “a shock to your system” as users strap on ski mask-like googles and enter into an immersive space that can be controlled through head movement or a gaming controller. It’s high-tech, awe-inspiring, novel and likely prohibitively expensive and impractical for everyday use. But here’s something different. The Oculus Rift actually originally started as a Kickstarter project. The crowdsourced funding platform has fueled plenty of innovation that have moved beyond pet projects to something real. The Oculus Rift is something you can actually buy and it’s debuting at one of the largest tech shows in the world. Stay tuned for more Kickstarter projects reaching the exhibit floor as our coverage continues.