Inaugural Web traffic breaks Internet

Wordle Tag Cloud by Frank MeeuwsenInternet networks across the country were given a run for their money Tuesday during the inauguration. CNN says it provided as many as 21.3 million streams throughout the morning and afternoon; Facebook announced it had 1.5 million Obama-related status updates. However, the enthusiasm generated by President Barack Obama’s historic inauguration also challenged Internet providers and the nation’s bandwidth. Online video, (see my angry post for more on that below) in particular was problematic. Many people, the NY Times is reporting resorted to old televisions and radios. I was among this crowd: After suffering through a shaky video experience on CNN Live, I didn’t get my first full appreciation for Obama’s speech until I heard it on the NPR as I headed home from work. Sigh. So much for the tech revolution. Continue reading “Inaugural Web traffic breaks Internet”

New president, new media

CNN Live with Facebook
CNN Live with Facebook

President Barack Obama was sworn into office today, with the backdrop of his historic election and the current economic and international crises. Meanwhile, we at the Lab negotiated new and traditional media channels to take it all in. Here’s what we had to say about inauguration 2.0:

Continue reading “New president, new media”

Inauguration 2.0

(Facebook/CNN)The presidential inauguration is upon us, and even if you are not one of the over four million people planning to travel to the nation’s capital, you can still actively participate in the festivities. During the election season, candidates and especially the Obama campaign confirmed the power of emerging media (notably social media) to engage citizens (see our report, Emerging Media, Barack Obama, and the Future of Political Campaigns).  Voters enthusiastically shared their experiences on election day and we can expect much more of the same on Tuesday.  In true Obama style, new media platforms are being used to promote the inauguration events in unprecedented ways. We can all look forward to an interesting documentation of the events that you won’t get with official news coverage.

So if you didn’t receive a highly coveted invite, skip the crowds and join the festivities from your home town.  Here’s how: Continue reading “Inauguration 2.0”

Why telematics isn’t more popular

Hyundai/Kia prototype (by Fatcontroller via Flickr)As I sat at my gate last week, awaiting my flight home from Las Vegas CES 2009, I overheard other CES-ers recounting their experiences at the consumer tech summit.  Some commented on attendance while others mentioned the cool new stuff from industry stalwarts like LG and microsoft.  It made me long for the day that changes in the telematics space could create the same kind of buzz as the TV’s do.

Certainly this year was not that year. Continue reading “Why telematics isn’t more popular”

What’s hot with kids and social networking

CES (MyYearbook)I attended a great panel at CES that was part of the Kids at Play program called Social Networking: It’s in their DNA. The moderator Parry Aftab was careful to point out that the people on this panel were doing things right – and I have to agree with her. Over two and a half million children aged between 8 and 17 have created profiles on social networking sites. But poor security means that a lot of the time, profile pages pages are wide open for anyone to look at.  Todays kids are growing up in a digital world. But how do you keep these kids safe? Here’s a quick look at what’s new, next and cool in the in the kids and teen social networking space. Continue reading “What’s hot with kids and social networking”

Tuesday sexy tech trifecta

Sexy tech trifecta (iStock)Tuesday has brought a perfect trio of tech stories to feature. A mix of good news on the economic horizon, Australia’s exotic travel for blogging trade, and a new appointee to the FCC from the incoming President elect. Check out these top three glorious stories:

1. Hang on till 2010. Despite analysts’ predictions that tech spending will decline in 2009 (and that the earth will implode and we’ll all be living in Hoovervilles–do check out Scott Brown’s “Guided Tour of the Most Awesome Depression Ever” in this month’s Wired), things are looking brighter for those of us who can hold on for a year. By 2010 Forrester Research says spending could increase again…by as much as nine percent. So hang on to your hats, hunker down and let the fowl winds pass ya by, matey. There’s fair weather round the corner. Continue reading “Tuesday sexy tech trifecta”

Best and worst of CES 2009

Best and worst of CES 2009 (iStock)When exploring a huge show like CES, it’s inevitable that you will discover that not all manufacturers give equal thought to their products.  Some will shine with obvious innovation. A great many will barely register above a yawn.  And some will leave you shaking your head in disbelief.

Here are just a few that fall into these categories…

Continue reading “Best and worst of CES 2009”

Jeopardy Live gets it right

Sony's Jeopardy Live for mobile (Sony)I stopped by Sony’s Jeopardy booth at CES to check out the Jeopardy Live mobile game.

Jeopardy Live is a mobile application that allows users at home to play along with the nightly Jeopardy broadcast.  Users download and configure the application based on local broadcast service and HD or standard viewing.  When the game is launched syncs with the show, fires each question at the mobile user as the contestants select the category and clue.  Continue reading “Jeopardy Live gets it right”

Can new Palm Pre compete with iPhone?

Palm Pre at CES (Josh Lovison)It is a classic tale.  A once great legend, now down and out, falls for the quirky girl who no one really notices, and with her support, stages a final comeback.  No, I’m not talking about a new Hollywood release.  I’m talking about Palm’s new smartphone and Sprint.

The Palm “Pre” is the newest smartphone from the company that was one of the pioneers of the PDA age.  The handset is initially an exclusive release on the Sprint network, known more for its economical pricing than its sexy handset lineup. Continue reading “Can new Palm Pre compete with iPhone?”

CES 2009: The future of video

CES and the Future of Video (iStock/CES)Ubiquitous video to the consumer was the topic of discussion in a Digital Hollywood panel I attended at CES.  Rather than focusing on the publishers and media buyers, this panel was manned by those creating and running the infrastructure that allows consumers and marketers to create, optimize, distribute, measure and monetize video.

The group keyed in on IPTV, cable TV and broadband video channels and shared a variety of opinions and insight that will give a sense of the current and future business of internet connected video. Continue reading “CES 2009: The future of video”