Media Trial: The Art Of The Takeover

MAGNA, the intelligence, investment and innovation unit within IPG Mediabrands, and IPG Media Lab, the creative technology arm of IPG Mediabrands, in partnership with Twitter today announced the results of a scientific media trial examining the location of video ads within a social environment. The resulting report, The Art of the Takeover: Optimizing What Consumers See First, reveals best practices for in-feed advertising as well as guidelines for utilizing takeovers across in-feed video and website platforms.

As websites and media properties’ offerings become more uniform, an advertiser’s ROI becomes more important to achieve sales figures. The report breaks down key differences in effectiveness between First View (Promoted Video at the top of the timeline) and “standard view” (Promoted Video throughout the timeline). Additionally, the study details how in-feed video ads located strategically at the top of the feed are twice as likely to be retained compared to similarly placed takeover ads on a website.

Key Highlights Include:

  • In a social environment, takeovers (ads at top of the feed) work harder than ads lower down.
    • With its premium location, takeovers excel at building brand awareness, likely because they are on screen an average of 50% more than ads lower in the feed.
  • Takeovers outperform in social environments.
    • Social takeovers are two times more memorable than similarly placed ads in a website takeover, likely because ads in a social environment feel more relevant and less intrusive to the user.
  • While shorter ads (GIFs and :06 seconds) feel most appropriate in a social environment, use :15+ second takeover ads to increase awareness of new products.


Download the Full Report Here


Media Trial Report: Context And Device Key To Effectiveness For Outstream Video Ads

Yume, Magna, The IPG Media Lab Conduct Comprehensive Study On The Impact Of Pre-Roll, Mid-Roll And Outstream Ad Video Formats

To download the full report, please click here 

Much of our past video research has been conducted on pre-roll, but we now have more video ad format options than ever. Viewability and inventory issues have also led to new tactics, such as outstream or in-read video.

In order to provide our clients with scientific evidence on how each format should be leveraged, we partnered with YuMe on a comprehensive media trial accounted for not only a wide-array of video formats but also 12 ad strategies, such as contextual relevance, ad length, creative type, and more.

The resulting report, titled Ad Format (R)evolution, reveals key areas for digital growth, including the user experience across video ad formats and devices, performance against brand KPIs, and strategy optimization.

Key findings include:

• Our old video standard, unskippable pre-roll, still holds its weight. Despite being less intrusive than mid-roll and outstream, it achieves the greatest break-through (ad recall).
• Consumers tend to give mid-roll a pass. It feels most intrusive, but consumers find it less annoying than the newer outstream formats.
• Social video offers a unique environment on mobile, allowing ads to feel the most integrated with the content.
• Outstream appears to miss out on the novelty effect we often see with new ad products. However, outstream is rated much more positively among those who complete it, indicating good targeting is key.

For the full report, please click here


Media trail - Skippable ads

Media Trial Report: MAGNA and IPG Media Lab Turbocharge Skippable Pre-Roll Campaign

MAGNA, the intelligence, investment and innovation unit within IPG Mediabrands, and IPG Media Lab, its creative technology arm, today announced the results of a scientific media trial that analyzed audience behaviors around ad skipping and identified critical steps to help advertisers maximize the impact of their skippable video ad campaigns.

The report, entitled Turbo Charging Your Skippable Pre-Roll Campaign, used experimental design to replicate online video experiences in order to measure attention, emotional response, and impact on traditional brand metrics for skippable pre-roll ads. The study involved over 11,000 consumers and 23 types of ads along 8 different industry verticals to reach widespread conclusions for the advertising industry as a whole.


Click here to download the full report.


Ads You Can Feel: Immersion, Magna, & IPG Media Lab Conduct In-Depth Analysis Of Haptic Tech In Video Ads

Click here to download a pdf version of the report.


IPG Media Lab, the creative technology arm of IPG Mediabrands, in partnership with Immersion Corp. today announced the results of a scientific media trial examining the impact of touch-enabled advertising created with haptic technology.

The resulting report, Ads You Can Feel: The New Mobile Experience, shares best practices, findings and insights on leveraging users’ senses, including sight, sound, motion, and now, touch, to create visceral mobile experiences. Over the course of the study, touch-enabled ads from a wide array of industry sectors, including automotive, hospitality and food & beverage were used to test consumers’ reaction to the experience.

The study of Immersion’s haptic technology, which enables users to feel touch effects on digital devices, found that adding touch to ads increases engagement and users’ sense of connection with a brand. Among the most notable findings is that haptic technology elicits a strong emotional response, particularly increasing levels of happiness and excitement.

In an ever-fragmented consumer landscape, brands are still determining how to best leverage technology and enable user interactivity. This served as the key element behind the launch of the media trial, which used seven distinctive ad types across two variant modes (skippable and non-skippable) to measure engagement and connectivity levels of haptic technology. Leading brands from a range of industry verticals, such as BMW, Royal Caribbean, Arby’s, and Truvia participated in this innovative media trial.

Key highlights from the study include:

• Haptic technology creates a more emotional experience, leading to consumers feeling more “excited” and “happy” during ad exposure.
• Engaging the sense of touch drives a 62% increase in feelings of connection with the advertised brand, which is often very difficult for marketers to do.
• Ultimately, adding haptics to video ads leads to a 50% lift in brand favorability, which equals 68% cost savings over the cost of increasing brand favorability using ads without haptic technology.
• Effectiveness of haptics spans across standard demographics, even driving purchase intent among the hard to influence (potential new customers). However, it’s important to note that early tech adopters are especially responsive to ads enabled with touch technology.

(Click to see the infographic in full size)


For more insights as well as the best practices for implementing haptics, click here to download the report

IPG Media Lab + Thinknear Release Infographic – Harnessing the Power of Location

Location-based audience targeting superior in driving foot traffic, as IPG Media Lab & Thinknear media trial demonstrates better performance and lower cost across key mobile metrics.


In partnership with Thinknear, a leading location-based marketing platform, we are proud to present the results of a quantitative media trial examining how location based audience targeting (LBA) compares versus more traditional methods such as designated market area targeting (DMA) in mobile.

The scientific design included randomized control groups for each targeting method. We partnered with Office Depot Inc. to utilize mobile location data in identifying and targeting audiences based on behavioral location data.

The Lab also partnered with Placed, the market share leader in ad to in-store attribution representing the world’s largest opt-in location audience, to measure both brand impact as well as foot traffic.

The resulting infographic, Harnessing the Power of Location, details how LBA targeting reaches more specific and relevant audiences, drives both intent and actual visits to visit brick and mortar stores, and is significantly more cost-effective for marketers.

Key highlights from the resulting media trial findings include:

  • Consumers reached through LBA targeting were 10% more likely to fit into the brand’s key psychographic target.
  • LBA targeting was more effective at reaching new potential customers – those who purchase office supplies at competitive stores.
  • Generic DMA targeting had no measureable impact on reaction by key customer segments. However, those reached through LBA targeting showed significant lift (+116%) in intent to visit the store.
  • Location aware ads nearly doubled the impact in visitation intent. Using a location aware creative combined with LBA targeting led to the best result.
  • Only LBA targeting translated into actual foot traffic – a 29% lift in store visits, which is much higher compared to the industry norm of only 3.1% lift in store visits.
  • LBA targeting was also highly cost effective, with a $1.02 cost per incremental store visit compared to $6.39 for the general industry benchmark.


IPG LBA infographic_Harnessing The Power Of Location
Click on the infographic to view and download full-size image.


Click here to download the infographic in pdf.


IPG Media Lab + Twitter Release Beyond Completion Rates: How Social Video Works

Click here to download the full report

IPG Media Lab, the creative technology arm of IPG Mediabrands, partnering with Twitter today announced the results of a quantitative media trial examining the effectiveness of video within a social media feed. The resulting report, Beyond Completion Rates: How Social Video Works, details how in-feed, auto-play video measures up against similarly skippable pre-roll videos on premium, non-feed based sites. The study looked at the impact ad environments on brand metrics including recall, perception of relevance, and brand favorability.

Key Highlights Include:

  • The unique environment of social feeds, where content is personal and self-curated, has an impact on how video ads are perceived, specifically, as more “relevant to [consumers’] interests” and “less intrusive”
  • The same video ad is nearly twice as memorable in a social video feed compared to a similarly skippable video format on premium sites and is a stronger driver of brand favorability
  • Enticing consumers to watch the full video allows skippable pre-roll to perform much better than when skipped at some point after five seconds
  • Branding elements that appear directly above social videos before the “viewability timer” starts ticking allow for strong branding at low levels of “time in view” for the video itself
  • Strong evidence was found that advertisers should be adapting ads for feed environments. For example:
    • Providing heavier, early branding can help drive awareness at lower levels of viewability
    • Getting to the point by providing the most important information in the ad up front as opposed to spread across the full 15 seconds makes ads much more persuasive


Click here to download the full report



IPG Media Lab Presents: Viewability Presentation & Panel – May 2016

On May 4, 2016, the research team of IPG Media Lab brought their Viewability Roadshow presentation to the IPG Mediabrands HQ in New York City. Here is the highlight recap of that informative presentation led by Kara Manatt, V.P. of Consumer Strategy at the Lab, and Kiril Tsemekhman from Integral Ad Science, a partner in this joint study, as well as a vibrant panel discussion featuring industry insiders and experts that followed.

To read the report of this large-scale study on viewability standards, please click here.



IPG Lab + Zefr Release The Power of Relevance: Content, Context, and Emotions

The ad industry often uses people’s web behavior data to serve them ads. But, targeting based on demographic data could easily reach the wrong person with the wrong ad. Contextual targeting uses the video content people are watching to serve them the right ad at the right time.

Today IPG Media Lab, in partnership with Zefr, released their joint study on the effectiveness of running video ads alongside contextually relevant content on YouTube. The research includes almost 9,000 consumers, 5 different industry verticals and examines 4 different types of contextual targeting methods. The IPG Media Lab also employed next gen tools to track consumer attention while they watched the ads.

The study answers the following questions:

• Does contextual targeting improve the consumer experience?
• When consumers are in different mindsets, do their brains interpret the ad differently?
• Does placement alongside contextually relevant content make ads work harder against brand KPIs?
• What types of contextual targeting are most effective, if any?

Interested in learning more? Download the full report below to dive into the results. Or, you can follow a more visual narrative with the link below.

Download the full Power of Relevance deck here.

Or, walk through a visual narrative here.

YuMe and IPG Media Lab Evaluate the Impact of Digital Video Ad Lengths

Research Test Ads Provide Insights Regarding What Ad Lengths Work Best Across Device and Location

Click here to download the full report.

Shifts in the way people consume video content are changing how marketers strategize about video advertising. Increased consumption of snack-sized content, for example, has made shorter video ad formats more popular. Concurrently, longer video ad formats have become increasingly prevalent as marketers start to invest in custom content created for digital platforms. While marketers are clearly experimenting with new video ad lengths, they are faced with increasing complexity about what works most effectively.

To help address these questions, today, YuMe, Inc., the global audience technology company powered by data-driven insights and multi-screen expertise and IPG Media Lab, the creative technology arm of IPG Mediabrands, unveil our latest joint research, addressing the effectiveness of different video ad lengths, looking at micro and longer form ad formats, devices and consumer perspective. Key findings include:

  • Ads perform differently based on length – developing a creative length strategy is imperative for success
  • Micro ads have a leg up on smaller screens, where video takes up 100% of screen real estate and short content is the norm
  • Having grown up with short form content, millennials respond best to micro ads, and also tend to see them as higher quality and more enjoyable than older consumers do
  • Shorter ads can serve as a quick reminder of established brands to drive top-of-mind awareness and longer ads can be employed to educate about a new brand
  • While every device performs differently, the 15 second mark is the shortest amount of time for making an impact on persuasion metrics

AdLengths Infographic_2-29-1

(Click on the image for the full-sized infographic.)


Click here to download the full report.



Viewability Report: Putting Science Behind The Standard

This research report is a joint effort by IPG Media Lab, Integral Ad Science and Cadreon.


Click here to download the full report.

Today, the IPG Media Lab, Integral Ad Science and Cadreon release their joint large-scale research study, first of its kind, on viewability. With the goal of quantifying the relationship between viewability and brand metrics, the research involved nearly 10,000 participants, looking at 189 different ad scenarios. Although the study was not meant to rewrite existing standards, the findings serve as a guide to advertisers and publishers alike regarding how best to make ads more effective given viewability standards.

Key takeaways include:

– Viewability is strongly related to ad effectiveness. As viewability increases, so does consumer attention and ad recall.
– Ads that exceed the MRC standard have 16%+ recall as opposed to ads that meet the standard, which have 2% recall.
– Ad exposure time influences ad effectiveness more than % in view.
– Viewability is important, but it is not the be-all and end-all. It should not be a KPI.

Viewability_Infographic - image

Click here to download the full report.

Click here to see the White Paper of the study.

You can also get the report on Integral Ad Science’s site.